February 03, 2008


I enjoyed every little pleasure comes on the way….
Drizzle or down pour
Pleasant breeze or heavy wind
Sunshine or snowfall
Everything had a meaning in life…
There was an insatiable interest in me,
For the world around

Dew drops and sun shine filled my days…
Petals and leaves reminded me of time…
Bees and dragon flies were our guests...
Occasional drizzles made me dripping…
I danced every time with my heart out…
It was a pleasant life…

I could see the beauty everywhere…
Elders used to say…
Those who can see the beauty around are above ordinary…

I used to wonder about the power of Almighty
Of his creations, wisdom and harmony built around...
My world used to excite me with its beauty, colour and fragrance…
Leaves and flowers were my best pals
I enjoyed being here, where I belong to the most..!

My soul mate had difference of opinion
This valley is not of interest to him anymore …
I lost my voice, when I cared for my love...
I am leaving home, where I grew up…
Just the thoughts of leaving hurt me beyond words…

Since then, every minute I spent in the valley…
Became more excruciating …
A strange feeling of loosing
Something close to heart, clogged in my thoughts
I buried my head in pain, tears rolled over…

As I waited for my last minutes at my dearest home
I could see leaves reacting to my exile...
I going to miss these dews and rain drops..
Which I cherished all through my life…
I am going to be alienated
From my own space and dreams
Alas! Sacrifice is painful…

As I was silently taken away, in a folded bunch of daisies
I felt the first pinch of loosing freedom…

I am forced to live in vase,
Which does not have any roots or leaves
Humans appreciate my beauty
And I am one among the bunch,with no identity.

I left with
no voice to cry,
no place to go,
no body to lean on….

I appreciate the greenery outside the window
And I cannot be related to that anymore,though !

With tears

(photos courtesy:www.flickr.com)


Gopan | ഗോപന്‍ said...

എന്തിനോ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു
എവിടെയോ എത്തിപെടുന്ന
ഒരു ജിവിതം...
മനുഷ്യരെ പോലെ...

ഗീത said...

From valley to vase.......

The pain of daisy on parting from where it belongs.....

A touching poem, Gopan.

മയൂര said...

Loved this poem...:)

അപര്‍ണ്ണ said...

Fantastic one!

Gopan | ഗോപന്‍ said...

ഗീത ചേച്ചി, മയൂര, അപര്‍ണ്ണ

my sincere thanks to all of you for visiting my blog and for recording your inspirational comments.

kind regards